As part of his community involvement, Lee Travaglini sent the following email to Toronto City Councillor Amber Morley on the Lake Promenade Co-Tenancy Project.
From: Lee Travaglini
To: <>
Dear Amber,
I hope this email finds you well. As a long-time resident of Long Branch, I am writing to bring to your attention a matter of urgent concern. I have recently become aware of a proposal to develop a mega Plex at the bottom of Long Branch Avenue, which would have devastating effects on our beloved neighbourhood.
As you are likely aware, the proposed development raises several issues that have caused great concern among residents. These include the potential destruction of local trees, as well as the possibility of the largest eviction in Canadian history. However, the problems with the proposal extend far beyond these two issues alone.
For instance, the current public transit system in the neighbourhood is woefully inadequate to handle the increased traffic that would result from the proposed development. Furthermore, the shadows cast on current houses, and the limited access to the waterfront, would be detrimental to the community as a whole.
In researching the developer, BDP Quadrangle, I have discovered that they have a history of controversial redevelopments, such as the redevelopment of the Toronto Flatiron. While I believe that better development is necessary for our community’s growth, I feel that it may be in better hands with a developer who is more familiar with the area.
It is my understanding that you may have limited abilities to act independently in this matter. However, I urge you to use your position to further push the concerns of residents and help us find a solution that benefits everyone. With the current state of the transit system, we cannot afford to risk making the same mistakes that have plagued the Park Lawn area.
Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Lee Travaglini