As part of her community involvement, Rose O’Callaghan sent the following email to Toronto City Councillor Amber Morley on the Lake Promenade Co-Tenancy Project .
From: Rosie O’Callaghan <>

Sent: May 31, 2023 22:30
To: Councillor Amber Morley
Subject: Lake Promenade Co-Tenancy Project
Dear Councillor Morley,
I am writing this letter in regard to the proposed Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment, Draft Plan of Subdivision and Rental Housing Demolition and Conversion applications [23 134668 WET 03 OZ & 23 134682 WET 03 SB] that would provide for the phased demolition of the five existing 7-storey rental apartment buildings on the subject site, and that would allow for the construction of a total of five new residential apartment buildings. The height of these buildings would range from 12 to 30 storeys. I understand that the application includes the proposed construction of two rental buildings and three condominium buildings.
Please be advised that I object most strongly to the construction of any buildings higher than those currently located on the site in question. The current apartments stand alone in a large and very well-established settlement of single-family dwellings and low-rise apartment buildings.
While it is clearly economically advantageous for investors to construct monolithic apartments and condominiums on the site, it is also clear that these structures will provide an overwhelming wall of concrete, steel and glass that will block out the sun from properties close by and also some distance away. As the owner of #4 Thirty First Street, I will suffer severe negative impacts; most notably from shade on my property and lack of privacy in my rear garden.
I ask you to also consider the increase in traffic that will result from the dramatic rise in the population in such a small and quiet neighbourhood. This will increase nuisance from noise and congestion. For many years, this area has provided a relatively safe place for people to live with children biking and people walking. It is undeniable that an increase in vehicular traffic will present a serious hazard to walkers, bikers and local children.
Allowing this development to go forward as proposed will change the entire neighbourhood that will only benefit the owners of the site. I have reviewed the plans and attended a meeting and I can find no redeeming factors other than a monetary gain for the developers.
In closing, I suggest that denying these applications will further show that the visual and design corruption that has taken place along the City of Toronto waterline will not be allowed to take place on the beautiful City outskirts.
Yours sincerely,
Rose O’Callaghan
5 Generation have been raised in this house