As part of her community involvement, Sally Smigiel wrote the following email on the Lake Promenade Co-Tenancy Project
From: Sally Smigiel <>

Sent: 28 juin 2023 08:46
To: Councillor Morley <>
Subject: my concern regarding the proposed development plan
I am writing to express my concern regarding the proposed development plan in our community. The plan involves the destruction of 141 trees, misplacement of over a thousand community members, and will cause an increase in traffic, parked cars, shadow casting on my garden, and pollution. These changes will have a significant impact on my life and the lives of my fellow community members.
The increase in traffic and the parked cars throughout the streets will make it difficult for residents to access community services and businesses. It can also have consequences on access to emergency services. With only two small Lane streets to access our community, traffic delays could affect the ability of emergency services to provide assistance quickly. This delay can lead to potential health hazards and even loss of life.
Moreover, the proposed construction will result in the destruction of 141 trees, leading to a significant loss of greenery. These trees provide both environmental and aesthetic benefits to our community and their destruction will harm our environment and reduce the quality of life. The misplacement of over a thousand community members who will become homeless due to this development will also have a social impact on the community.
Additionally, the development will cause shadow casting on my garden, depriving me of adequate sunlight. This means that my garden, which is an essential source of food for my family, will no longer be sustainable.
Lastly, the development will lead to an increase in pollution in our community. The emission of harmful gases from the vehicles and from other sources related to the construction will make it difficult for residents to breathe clean air and could lead to unfortunate health effects.
As your constituent, I urge you to reconsider the proposed development plan and its impact on our community. I implore the council to prioritize the needs and concerns of the residents and to explore alternatives that better address the community’s interests. It is essential to balance developmental progress with community welfare.
Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to hearing from you.
Sally Smigiel