As part of her community involvement, Mina Afsari wrote the following email on the Lake Promenade Co-Tenancy Project.
From: Mina Afsari <>
Sent: 26 juin 2023 20:25
To: Councillor Morley <>
Subject: Re: Lake Promenade Co-Tenancy Project
Hello Councillor Morley;
My name is Mina Afsari and I live at 7- Thirty first Street. I am totally against this project and have great concerns about what is happening in our neighborhood. This project is not in harmony with our little society here. I am sick and tired of all the wrong developmental projects that is happening despite the will and well-being of the residents of our community and without our consultation. I am not happy that, for the financial gain of some developers, our city is basically killing the natural and cultural setting of this neighbourhood.
Following this project, this area will become a money-making machine for a handful of wealthy strangers on the expense of ruining the natural beauty of our neighbourhood and destroying our peace and lifestyle. These tiny streets basically were meant only for single family and some multiplex living, not large projects and high rises. Please note that higher than the existing buildings will fill our houses with shadow and prevent us from having natural light and will force lots of unnecessary traffic to our tiny streets.
Mina Afsari