As part of his community involvement, Chris Boehler sent the following email to Toronto City Councillor Amber Morley on the Lake Promenade Co-Tenancy Project.
Sent : 22 juin 2023 21:40
To :
Subject : Lake Promenade Co-Tenancy Project
Dear Councillor Morley,
My wife and I have lived in Long Branch since 1981, close to the Micheline – Saint – Cyr Elementary School. We enjoy leisurely walking in the Marie Curtis Park and along Lake Promenade and numerous quiet side roads. Our Long Branch neighbourhood is everyone’s oasis.
The proposal to build 15 and 30 Storey Towers in the centre of our village is totally out of place. The peaceful roads will be congested and not as safe as before.
Should the project get the green light then the most important change is the height of the buildings. They should be a maximum of 10 floors.
Hope to see you at the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 101, on July 5th, from 7:00 pm to 9:00pm (3850 Lakeshore Blvd. West).
Best regards,
Chris Boehler, Senior
106 James Str.