As part of her community involvement, Elizabeth McCullough sent on September 24, 2024 to the Ontario Land Tribunal a Participant Status Request and Participant Statement Form.
Previously, she wrote the following email on Lake Promenade Co-Tenancy Project.
From: Terry and Elizabeth McCullough <>

To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 6, 2023 at 09:14:03 p.m. EDT
Subject: Proposed Development in Long Branch
Dear Council Morley,
My name is Elizabeth McCullough and I live at 37 Long Branch Avenue – 4 houses north of the intersection of Long Branch Avenue and Park Boulevard. I am writing to ask you, as I know many other residents have, to hold a public meeting about the proposed development at 220 Lake Promenade. I am registered for the meeting organized by the city at the end of the month, but it is essential for our community to be able to meet in person prior to that online meeting to ask questions and fully discuss the issue. As our representative in City Hall, you are in the best position to organize such a meeting.
In the meantime, here are some of my concerns:
Proposal recommends a more than 300% increase in the number of units – from approx 550 to more than 2000. I understand the need for increased density in the city, the need for more housing… but there also needs to be a consideration for what is appropriate in every specific location.
Eviction of Current Residents
This development is not intended to provide additional affordable housing. It does, however require the eviction of all residents of approximately 548 units. These are members of our community. Many are long time residents. Many are elderly. MANY are fairly low income earners. Can you imagine the stress and anxiety these people must be going through right now? How will they find alternate accommodations during demolition and reconstruction? I understand that, if approved by the City, this would be the largest demoviction in Canadian history — not something for our city to be proud of.
Height (quoted from the proposal)
“The proposal would see the aging buildings demolished and replaced with modern buildings significantly larger in size. Two of the buildings would contain replacement rental suites, while the others would be condominiums. The design divides the site into North and South blocks via a proposed new public road. Buildings on the North Block would stand at 12 storeys or about 40.8m tall. On the South Block, buildings on the west and east sides would stand either 12 or 14 storeys (up to 49.53m tall), while two towers in the middle would be 30 storeys or 97.28m tall.”
- Buildings and towers that large will dramatically change the physical character of the neighbourhood, particularly for those homes very close by – I know there is a study on the additional shade (lack of sun!) that will impact neighbouring homes to the east, west and north of the site.
- These heights are dramatically beyond those on Lakeshore and well outside of the character of the neighbourhood. The proposal claims that the development will enhance the neighbourhood. It will certainly change it, but I haven’t seen anything yet the enhances Long Branch — but I’m sure it will enhance the finances of the developer.
2021 units – 1307 parking spaces (including 101 designated for visitors). How is the number 1307 determined and will it be sufficient? If not, the impact on surrounding streets will be significant. Other changes, like lot splitting and the proposed multiplexes, are already increasing the number of cars parked on the streets which reduces visibility (safety) of pedestrians and lowers the esthetic value of streetscapes.
The additional 1,444 units will result in a dramatic increase in traffic on Long Branch Avenue, Lake Promenade, 33rd Street, Chapel Road and 31st Street (home to James S. Bell School) particularly, with increases also on surrounding streets. With speed limits of 50 km on most streets, and the failure of many drivers to observe stop signs, the number of accidents will definitely increase. With the number of young families with children as well as seniors in the neighbourhood, this is a serious safety concern. The additional traffic will also increase the noise level in the neighbourhood. This is an old neighbourhood with relatively small streets – a development like this needs much more significant road access.
What is needed or planned regarding water, sewer, etc? Are taxpayers expected to pay for all upgrades required to service the new buildings? What sort of disruption to the community will upgrades require?
Environmental Impact
Demolition and reconstruction, expected to take place over many years, has a very large environmental impact – particularly demolition. Excessive noise, dirt and dust will be something your constituents will be forced to live with for a very extended period of time. Current renters in the apartments and homeowners for blocks around the development will be impacted.
I look forward to attending a meeting very soon where I and other Long Branch residents can share our concerns – and constructive ideas – about this.
Elizabeth McCullough
37 Long Branch Avenue