As part of his community involvement, David Johnson wrote the following email on the Lake Promenade Co-Tenancy Project.
From: David Johnson <>

Sent: 28 mai 2023 16:44
Subject: the development agenda for 220-230-240 Lake Promenade.
To: Dear Councillor Morley,
I dread the racket, dust, air pollution and general mayhem and destruction of such a lovely peaceful spot and feel this area is too close to the lake and precious wildlife and should be left less developed.
The interference to the bicycle traffic and threat of accidents should also be considered. And, of course, all displaced people living in those buildings and their neighbors.
Having recently sold my home in Dundas, Queen, Ossington area, I thought my new location, 170 Lake Promenade, would be out of the fray.
I therefore vote against this development.
Thanks for looking into this.
David James Johnson