Notice of Case Management Video Conference: 10 a.m. on Friday, October 18, 2024 (19 pages)
Party Status Request Form (ou, en français: Formulaire de demande de qualité de partie HTML | Word).
Groups, whether incorporated or not, who wish to become parties should name a representative. Parties do not need to be represented by lawyers or agents.
Participant Status Request and Participant Statement Form (ou, en français: Formulaire de demande de qualité de participant et formulaire de déclaration de participant HTML | Word).
Any interested person who wishes to provide a written statement to the Tribunal and view the hearing can use this form.
Filings by Susan Albert, Kadie Balfour, Donna-Marie Batty, Andrew Baysa, Roderick Beattie, Jessica Carter, Brian C. Curran, Barbara Dabek, Annie Dell, Mitch Fairrais, Robert Gass, Thomas G. Giglione, David Godon, Michael Goldschmid, Rose Greening, Joel Hulley, David Juliusson, Sonja Kecman, Louis-Charles Lavallée, Mike Lecky, Gérard Lévesque, Anu Liivandi, Sarah Lockett, Raymond Macaraeg, Cornelia Machin, Peter Martin, Joel McConvey, Elizabeth McCullough, Mohammed F. Mia, Mohamed Naiem Mia, Patricia Mitchell, Daryle Moffatt, Tina Mucci, Rob Muru, Marie Nardella, Julie Northrup, Barry O’Brien, Ken O’Brien, Rose O’Callaghan, Ken Okazawa, Lisa Okazawa, Joseph Okeke, Dorothy-Anna Orser, Barbara-Anne Patterson, Sonia Pooran, Hark Savinsky, Giancarlo Silvestri, Ruth Snowden, Mary Elizabeth Sorichetti, Marcin Stolarczyk, Katherine Stratton, Christine Tang, Paul Terry, Laura Therrien, Lee Travaglini, Kc Verde, Laurie Weishuhn, Kamila Zagol, Robin Zaloznik.
Supplementary information:
August 9, 2024 letter and Appeal Form sent to City of Toronto from McCarthy Tétrault OLT-24-000882 (14 pages)
Lettre du 27 sept. 2024 à Euken Lui, greffier intérimaire, Tribunal ontarien de l’aménagement du territoire. Letter to Euken Lui, Acting Registar, Ontario Land Tribunal, Sept. 27, 2024, English translation,